Technology Services

Integration is an essential part of your digital-transformation journey, enabling your organisation to eliminate silos and re-imagine customer experiences. With an organisational wide integration strategy, you will be able to increase your speed of delivery while also reducing technical debt by decoupling your processes from individual IT systems, applications or components.

At Excelsa, we have seen that delivering on organisation wide expectations requires more than just making technology decisions and rolling out as many integrations as quickly as possible, and as such have developed a unique Integration Program approach to enable continuing success and an associated set of Advisory Services to assist organisations in their digital journey.


We saw an inherent need for an Integration Program that went beyond choosing tools, languages and setting up environments. This is part of the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of the journey and generally only takes the initial deployment or specific project requirements into consideration. An Integration Program includes these components of the strategy as they are important but crucially extends the scope to ensure wider organisational requirements (the ‘why’) are met and a wider ecosystem is engaged for success (the ‘who’) not just the integration team


The Integration Program approach is very pragmatically broken down into four distinct stages effectively answering the why, what, how and who questions across the organisation. Each stage represents a collection of critical business and technology fundamentals easily tackled by committed organisations that have the necessary executive backing and long-game patience.


For many organisations, a successful Integration Program will provide the ideal springboard for a subsequent API Program as the business travels further down the digital transformation pathway.


Our Service Packages

Excelsa’s advisors are with you to guide successful delivery of your digital transformation initiatives using an Integration Program approach. Our approach is there to ensure cross-organisational success in the initial roll-out but importantly we will be there to ensure continuing success.

Excelsa will work closely with you and your teams to understand your aims, outcomes, and organisational goals. This offering ensures effective collaboration and knowledge transfer to enable self-sufficiency using the most appropriate service offerings


This package lays the bedrock for your integration strategy and organisational structure.




Our advisors will work side by side with your transformation/delivery teams to help shape and guide the mobilisation of the integration strategy.




Ongoing support for the drive forward and successful execution of the strategy whilst holding the business and technology teams to account.